Advanced Dry Eye Treatment Techniques

Dry eye syndrome is an ocular condition that affects many people worldwide. It leads to discomfort, redness, and vision disturbances. Recent advancements in medical technology have led to innovative techniques to address dry eye.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a non-invasive treatment that targets inflammation, which is a significant factor in dry eye cases. IPL uses broad-spectrum light pulses to selectively target and reduce inflammation in the eyelids and surrounding tissues.

During an IPL session, we use a handheld device to apply the light pulses to the skin around the eyes. The light heats the abnormal blood vessels and glands responsible for inflammation to help shrink the blood vessels. This helps reduce inflammation and restore normal function to glands in the eyelids, which improves tear quality.

IPL therapy reduces dry eye symptoms such as redness and itching. Multiple treatment sessions help achieve optimal outcomes. Patients may experience mild redness or swelling immediately following the procedure. IPL is safe and well-tolerated and has a high success rate in improving dry eye symptoms.

Autologous Serum Eye Drops


Autologous serum eye drops are a personalized treatment option in drop form made from the patient’s own blood serum. They contain a range of essential nutrients, growth factors and anti-inflammatory agents to help nourish the ocular surface and promote natural healing.

A small sample of the blood is processed to isolate the serum, which is diluted with a sterile solution to create eye drops. These customized drops are preservative-free and tailored to your specific needs.

Scleral Lenses


Scleral lenses are specialty contact lenses. They work as an advanced treatment option for severe dry eye. They vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera. The vaulting creates a moisture reservoir between the lens and the eye surface.

The space between the lens and the cornea has a preservative-free saline solution. It helps to moisturize and lubricate the ocular surface. The constant lubrication relieves dry eye symptoms. It also protects the cornea from further damage and promotes healing.

Punctal Plugs 


Punctal plugs are innovative devices designed to provide advanced treatment for severe dry eye due to reduced tear production or excessive drainage of tears. These small plugs are inserted into the puncta, the tiny openings in the corners of the eyelids that drain tears from the eyes. By blocking tear drainage, punctal plugs help retain more tear volume and create a moisture reservoir on the ocular surface, promoting lubrication and relieving dry eye symptoms.

Punctal plugs offer a convenient and effective solution for individuals experiencing persistent dry eye symptoms. By preserving the natural moisture balance of the eyes, these plugs not only alleviate discomfort but also safeguard the cornea from further damage.

For more information about advanced dry eye treatment techniques, visit Kibo Eyecare. Our office is in Glastonbury, Connecticut. Call (860) 659-5900 to book an appointment today.

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